There is a false church masquerading as a true church in Uasin Gishu, Soyi. Apparently the church members held a unique worship service. A ritual.
They brought a sheep and two chicken after they had gathered together. Slaughtered the animals, mixed the blood and then washed their hands in the blood.
According to the church fraternity, this ritual( of course pagan in nature) was geared to cleanse the 2007-2008 post election violence blood that was spilled, prevent the shedding of blood that could happen and to curse everyone who would attempt to cause violence.
In Christianity there is no more blood sacrifices because the divine blood of Christ was sufficient in purchasing the cost of our redemption. Consequently, such incantation can only be a bad omen for this country.
The point is, there is no need fighting for another person to be in power. Two, being in power is not a reserve of a select few, and last but not least, change is invincible.
They brought a sheep and two chicken after they had gathered together. Slaughtered the animals, mixed the blood and then washed their hands in the blood.
According to the church fraternity, this ritual( of course pagan in nature) was geared to cleanse the 2007-2008 post election violence blood that was spilled, prevent the shedding of blood that could happen and to curse everyone who would attempt to cause violence.
In Christianity there is no more blood sacrifices because the divine blood of Christ was sufficient in purchasing the cost of our redemption. Consequently, such incantation can only be a bad omen for this country.
The point is, there is no need fighting for another person to be in power. Two, being in power is not a reserve of a select few, and last but not least, change is invincible.