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One thing happened a few days to Kenyan general elections, Justin Gatlin pulled a shocker by beating Ussain Bolt. It was unexpected. Gatlin had always desired that monumental win over Ussain. He always came second behind Bolt literally in almost all races.

Who else thought, Zedekiah Bundotich Buzeki would lose to Jackson Mandago? I am not appalled with Sonkos win with the magic 54 percentum. Sonko won in the lavish posh Surburbans of Nairobi. From Runda to Carren to Muthaiga just to mention but a few.

I'd like to congratulate Mishi Juma K mboko. I love this woman. Her zeal, zest and her jeers to Jubilee stalwarts. In that order, I want to thank God for making sure that Rachael sebesh looses head down to Passaris miss Nai. I am impressed too with Babu Owino. My challenge to Babu Owino is to look at the Nairobi governorship in 2022. I also congratulate one and only Sultan 001. This man has surmounted impregnable barriers; the egregious recidivistic Jubilee rodomontades.

Well my point is Jubilee has won the presidential elections unfairly. Yes! The elections have been won unjustly. I say they are won because there is no substantial evidence to prove otherwise.

As I said earlier in a previous post. Raila had the numbers,probably 70% to Jubilees 30%, but obnoxiously Agwambo had no strategy, despite having the idea and the capacity to execute the idea that could have immunized our votes against digital dictatorship.

Right now the government is only ready for war and nothing else, because opposition has no case. It has emerged NaSa had no ground strategy to ensure votes were not stolen. Apparently they had no agents in a larger proportion of their own strongholds, save for swing and Jubilee strongholds. Even some agents absconded because they were not paid prior to voting day. Consequently, NASA could not access all forms 34A and 34B first hand and real-time.

Two, it is also obvious, there was no adopt a polling station. This was a superior idea in securing a win that was talked about, money collected but never executed.

Three, NASA did not carry out sufficient voter education and mobilisation. The proof for this is the number of rejected votes in central, very few. Still turnout for NASA supporters was not 97% like Jubilee supporters because myself I know more than  10 NASA people who did not vote.

Four, is failure for NASA to dissolve parties and be United in one umbrella party. Look at the result opposition as it is now will be a toothless dog. Maybe some people were confused by the different party symbols, colours etc

Five, The parallel tallying centre was just a notion that never existed. What happened to, "Wanarusha tunarusha! Wanjumlisha tunajumlisha?".

Jubilee were very intelligent. Did you think the smart card was for nothing. The ID numbers they collected. In fact the Jubilee smart card was to lure opposition supporters into a trap. Am sure most of them voted for Jubilee electronically. The game changer in all this was KIEMS electronic data. The issue of Form 34 arose when it was already too late. NASA did not have them and there was no way they could be tamper- proof.

Right now It is done. Raila has dismissed all observers and called them names, IEBC, the Media and Jubilee itself led by President Uhuru and Tuju. He has no case to present to Maragah,a no nonsense judge.

" Telo ikawo OK mingato" Elections are won by strategy not the numbers. Look at  how people won world over, Ghana, Trump, Putin, Netanyau,Kagame, Museveni etc

Am only afraid Raila with his wave will sweep opposition in his retirement so that Kanya could as well go back to dictatorship as was with the former presidents.

 Right now lets concede we have been outplayed. We cannot prove we are the majority. We won but we can only prove we lost. We live to fight another day. RIP Kenya.


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