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Saudization is a term used to refer to the new policy by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to compel all the Saudi employers to designate a specific quota of job opportunities in that organization to Saudi nationals. The policy is implemented by the ministry of labor of the Saudi government.
The government of Saudi formulated this policy with the hope it will significantly arrest the soaring unemployment rates; under the slogan,” put the Saudi in the Saudization.”
Although the Saudi government and its political elite are happy with it, the proponent of this system; the business community harbor mixed feelings. They have sounded alarm bells against its implementation and even attempted to seek a way of repealing it.
It is worthy to note that the program as fashioned by the Saudi government opens doors to the Saudis who take advantage of the government directive. When they take up the jobs their domestic or household economy improves. This is a plus to the government and to the employees and their families. The overall effect is that their domestic economy improves.
From their domestic percapita incomes; their standards of living increases. Their purchasing power and the overall personal development also improves. With an improved living standard comes the comfort of a happy life.
Also, the fact that the unemployed Saudi is able to find work, is both for the good of the government and for the individual; both micro and macro economics are promoted. The government makes income from tax and levies attributed to those employments. The resultant effect is felt too in the domestic trade industry where money is in the hands of the employed.
The Saudization of the Saudi telecommunication has demerits too. First and foremost, most Saudis have become choosy to the extent they only want sedentary jobs; that of course requires less input. This way the implementation of the scheme is curtailed. Consequently the Saudi government misses out on the benefits therein.
Two, by the very fact that this quota is reserved for the Saudi, It pauses a challenge; it becomes hard to fire or punish the Saudis absorbed in this policy since they are immunized by the policy. In fact most of them wouldn’t show up to work or observe responsibility.
The scheme is bound to cause a shift in the economy where all the youths eye the government opportunities, this ultimately lead to neglect of the supporting sectors hence frictional and cyclic unemployment.
If all youths go for these jobs they will not be able to harness their talents for economic gains as they set all their hopes in government jobs. Agriculture is another sector that is not fully under the government quota. If all youths neglect farming and concentrate in official jobs the sectors, like manufacturing industry dies to inadequate supply. The same recession will be for micro business and entrepreneurship.


The companies and organizations are categorized according to compliance; those that do not comply are punished correspondingly to their non compliance


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