Former Kitui Senator and Wiper Democratic movement principal and a strong alie to NASA's running mate Hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, Hon. David Musila, finally crosses over to his favorite political camp, Jubilee.
Musila obviously had been yearning to find a scape goat to cross over back to Egypt ha ha haaaa! Moving on swift and furious, his actions speaks a lot. I know he was an independent candidate, but Wiper leader Kalonzo had not disowned him. The gates were left open for him like the prodigal son. He was until then the Chairman of Wiper Democratic movement.
The guy has promised to mobilise the Kamba community into working together with the government. Not a bad move if he wants to assassinate Kalonzo's presidential ambitions.
Musila had opted to be given direct nominations to run for the Kitui gubernatorial seat, something which was impossible. That's where his fallout with Wiper started. He tried to rig out Dr. Julius Malombe in vain during the nominations. He went a head and allegedly and clandestinely under the auspices of Jubilee party had a robust vibrant campaign to oust Malombe, but mama beat him flat on the ground.
Now he has looked at the political terrain and the only dashing hope for him is Jubilee sympathy. Ha ha haaaa, campaigning for Jubilee when elections are history in the national archives. He now hopes that President Uhuru will sympathize with him and give him a political handout of some sort of position.
If there is one thing I have learnt about politicians, is their incontrollable desire to control public money. Look at the way Senators went for gubernatorial seat. They were willing to do anything to sit on the coveted seat.