Kenya should immediately start thinking about electoral college. Where each county will have an equal number of delegates. Don't tell me they will be bribed.
As a country we have suffered in the hand of a select few who think power belongs to them. This desire for regime change has pushed us to the top of the cliff that is technology based elections.
Unfortunately, technology especially on results transmission is porous to cyber attack in an IT era where nothing is impossible. Am not convinced whether it must be electronic transmission, I think there are other countries which have been able to hold credible elections without going electronic.
The United states has a population of about 320 million people. They had over 200 million voters( popular votes). In their last elections they had known their president within 24 hours.
Kenyans should learn to vote in leaders based on values.
I still would like to espouse, Hon. Kalembe Ndile's proposition, that presidency should be rotational amongst the tribes before considering other qualifications and campaigns.
Presidential power has been the matchstick that lights all civil wars in Africa and revolutions. In fact all regimes that become adamant to departure from all time Africanized dictatorial rule to democracy, always find themselves facing revolutions or civil wars.
There has never been an example as good as 1994 Rwandan genocide. In a record three months about 1.2 million people died because of presidency
On April 6th 1994 a rocket missile shot president Abyarimanas plane. It was alleged the plane was hit by a rebel movement headed by Paul Kagame. The Rebel movement later became a party that has ruled to date.
The rebels then were the majority and were labelled superior tribe over the hutus by the Belgians. The rebels were so desperate to get to power, that they assassinated the incumbent president. To date it is unknown who assassinated the president. The killing of the president compelled the entire government and its machinery to wage a blood bath on the Tutsi who were led by the current President.
Kenya should immediately start thinking about electoral college. Where each county will have an equal number of delegates. Don't tell me they will be bribed.
As a country we have suffered in the hand of a select few who think power belongs to them. This desire for regime change has pushed us to the top of the cliff that is technology based elections.
Unfortunately, technology especially on results transmission is porous to cyber attack in an IT era where nothing is impossible. Am not convinced whether it must be electronic transmission, I think there are other countries which have been able to hold credible elections without going electronic.
The United states has a population of about 320 million people. They had over 200 million voters( popular votes). In their last elections they had known their president within 24 hours.
Kenyans should learn to vote in leaders based on values.
I still would like to espouse, Hon. Kalembe Ndile's proposition, that presidency should be rotational amongst the tribes before considering other qualifications and campaigns.
Presidential power has been the matchstick that lights all civil wars in Africa and revolutions. In fact all regimes that become adamant to departure from all time Africanized dictatorial rule to democracy, always find themselves facing revolutions or civil wars.
There has never been an example as good as 1994 Rwandan genocide. In a record three months about 1.2 million people died because of presidency
On April 6th 1994 a rocket missile shot president Abyarimanas plane. It was alleged the plane was hit by a rebel movement headed by Paul Kagame. The Rebel movement later became a party that has ruled to date.
The rebels then were the majority and were labelled superior tribe over the hutus by the Belgians. The rebels were so desperate to get to power, that they assassinated the incumbent president. To date it is unknown who assassinated the president. The killing of the president compelled the entire government and its machinery to wage a blood bath on the Tutsi who were led by the current President.