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I know you probably in your own reverie wish I could stop this conversation about elections and move on. My message to you is, I am not a man who can kill for any course. There is no course I can kill for but sure a man can die for many courses consciously or non conscientiously.

Consequently, we will still ventilate the issue of elections perhaps for the next five years. Elections are like the heartbeat of democracy. A country with a government which cannot restrain its itchy fingers from meddling with democratic rights of the people cannot be labeled a free, fair and just nation.

I constantly say, I like some journalists, and my favourite is Hussein Mohamed of Citizen TV. There are some journalists who are very myopic while looking at critical issues, you wonder if they are in the right profession.

Take for instance, a known journalist, argues elections in Kenya which were held in 8/8/2017 was free and fair because almost all international and local observers reported to the country, elections were fair when the opposition chiefs were casting aspersions on the results transmission.

Former Secretary of State, John Kerry, and former Ghanaian President- who himself lost miserably to the opposition in his country and probably still venting his anger on anything called opposition due to post-electoral traumatic stress, were yapping about what they were clueless about prematurely before results were finalized. Just imagine these people eulogized a pertinently fraudulent process before the process was complete.

This reminds me of the days I was studying research as a course. There is no way you write the observations and conclusions of a process before you complete the procedure and have results, the lecturer would think you cheated in your KCSE and you are a blockhead who deserves dismissal.

I have a feeling somebody wants to instigate political instability in order to take our own Ngamia oils. That is neo- colonization. World over we know how the west has manufactured eutopian ingredients of war only to steal the oil in those countries. Right now the west are behaving like they are our prefects flogging our ass to carry out their will.

Apart from observers, a journalist who believes himself a critical thinker and opinionated political analyst - says on national media, the elections were free and fair because Jubilee won the most seats across all contested positions.

How does garnering more seats refute rigging? This is what is called, 'parochial thinking'. Thinking within the box. If rigging was done by a software obviously it would affect the six elections in entirety.

I expect a journalist to interrogate an issue exhaustively before ruling out other options. And even still, there are always possibilities you don't see yourself. So sad the persons who perpetrated the malpractice managed to play with the psychology of the citizens and undermine their thinking capacity.

The miscreants, thought, if they rigg in your own stronghold and backyard, you would not think about it or even be keen to pay attention to your own votes in the polling stations within your loyal backyard.

They thought if they selectively, not randomly, because they chose areas appearing to be battlegrounds, execute their mischief no one would notice, or even if they did it in their strongholds. It is literally taking your opponents to be zombies.

Even in any game you must understand your opponent, his tactics and antics, but above all you cannot take your eyes off the ball even though it be on your own Court or opponents court. Some analyses and opinions can only be described by a term coined by  Right. Hon.Raila Amolo, "Mnyambo wa punda"


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