On May third 2016, Leicester City fans sat tranquil and
expectant at a pub in Leicester England. They were waiting for an epic victory
in the history of football. Chelsea who were pausing a neck to neck competition
for the trophy, were taking on Tottenham hot spurs, which too was eying the
trophy. Any draw as it turned out to be 2-2 would give Leicester its first ever
premier league trophy, because Tottenham had to beat Chelsea to prolong the
competition. It came to pass, an underdog team rose from grass to grace. The
team was elevated from second division to the premier league and surprisingly
it came to taunt the big teams and lift the trophy.
2015- 2016 season which was their dramatic win, was actually
their 111th season in the Premiership. It was their second
consecutive appearance and they rewrote history. They lost only three games.
Sometimes the favourites just cannot win. If Claudio Ranieri managed to lead
his side to a surprise victory, opposition leader Raila Odinga can also lead
the NASA coalition of parties to monumental victory in the upcoming elections.
The political altercation will change to be a new dawn for
Kenya. Jubilee party might boast of an added advantage of home advantage in
this derby, but just like the case of Leicester city Nasa is going to bag a
brobdingnagian win in the first round. In fact there is not going to be a
The government has been obdurately using government machinery
and state resources to gain unfair advantage over the opposition, but it is now
evident their efforts are in vain. Hell is breaking loose on them. Just like
the English premier leagues which exercise the rule of fair-play, if the
presidential elections are held in a free and fair manner then Nasa is going to
emerge victorious early in the morning.
Tuesday 8th august will be the last shot. Already
NASA has beaten Jubilee in virtually everything. The entire steps jubilee made
to advance their political mileage turned retrogressive. The worst was the
presidential debate in which the president himself cried wolf to the media.
Calling media names and falsely accusing media of taking sides with the
opposition. Yet he ignorantly snubbed the debate which was a golden opportunity
for him to confront his opponents with a rebuttal.
The rule of any game is that if you belittle or underestimate
your opponent, then you are sure to lose. Manchester united, Arsenal, Chelsea,
Man City, Liverpool, Tottenham and Everton, down played Leicester City, who
were starting off a new season in 2015 while getting over a previous season in
which they struggled to stay in the league; and as you may have not anticipated
Leicester won the premier league title. This Tuesday watch out for NASA.