The profession of law is a tricky career. Once I was a cyber manager in Kondele, Ksm. Then one day a guy brought a script handwritten in small, almost illegible handwriting. I was to typeset the document in one hour since a lawyer would be picking it an hour later.
Now this was an appeal about a guy who was sentenced to death for robbery with violence. I kept a copy of that submission to date. From the arguments which were very strong the guy was guilty. All the appeals lawyer did was to punch holes in the evidence used to incriminate the appellant. That was 2008.
Today internationally renowned lawyers who in their conscience, by virtue of being learned friends, know how the elections were dramatically rigged, will be representing IEBC and President and Deputy President elect to refute the evidence NASA puts forth.
Somebody knows very well the elections were shambolic, but will still wear a big gown and before the world, in verbal diarrhoea of linguistic jargon will be pleading the case of the one who cheated on Kenyans. Too bad. Lawyers do you always feel compunction while representing a culprit???????
The profession of law is a tricky career. Once I was a cyber manager in Kondele, Ksm. Then one day a guy brought a script handwritten in small, almost illegible handwriting. I was to typeset the document in one hour since a lawyer would be picking it an hour later.
Now this was an appeal about a guy who was sentenced to death for robbery with violence. I kept a copy of that submission to date. From the arguments which were very strong the guy was guilty. All the appeals lawyer did was to punch holes in the evidence used to incriminate the appellant. That was 2008.
Today internationally renowned lawyers who in their conscience, by virtue of being learned friends, know how the elections were dramatically rigged, will be representing IEBC and President and Deputy President elect to refute the evidence NASA puts forth.
Somebody knows very well the elections were shambolic, but will still wear a big gown and before the world, in verbal diarrhoea of linguistic jargon will be pleading the case of the one who cheated on Kenyans. Too bad. Lawyers do you always feel compunction while representing a culprit???????