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Kenyans knew in their hearts ever since 8/8/2017 Raila ODINGA and his running mate Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka won the presidential elections of 2017. The mendate Kenyans hopefully bestowed upon Raila and Kalonzo was usurped by Uhuruto in a Machiavellian way. In broad day light victory was stolen from NASA.

The culture of stealing elections or electoral injustice dates back to 1960s when Kenya was a non democratic state. Sadly the Devil of electoral injustice is still lording over us to date. Yesterdays swearing in ceremony of Raila, not as the people's president but as the president of the republic of Kenya, which was snubbed by his own very running mate and co principles due to fear of death hence watering down its relevance has left many who had no idea of electoral injustice scratching their heads.

Yesterday's national event, national because Kenyans came out in large numbers, almost 200 times the few Kenyans who attended Jubilee coronation ceremony in which illegitimacy was fraudulently legalized by the justice system, leaves many lessons to be learned.

First it confirms Raila's popularity is a mile ahead of Uhurus. As such it is leaves no doubt about the truth of who won the presidential elections of 2007, 2013 and 2017. Raila is the peoples plebiscite. Were it not for the electoral injustice and fraudulence Kenya would be boasting a democratically elected president. We all know the gains and merits when democracy is left to prevail.

Secondly, Raila, ODM, NASA and their followers and supporters cannot be apportioned even an ounce of blame for deaths that occurred because of elections during the electioneering period. The truth of who kills Kenyans has finally been unearthed. It is the government through police who incite and intrigue these uncalled for loss of life.

The swearing in also revealed a startling fact, it is not the NASA or ODM supporters who loot and plunder business enterprises during civil protests but goons( business communities) who under the facade of being loyal citizenry grabb the opportunity to shoplift enterprises deemed to support opposition ideologies. In short they stand in to defend government by being a source of ruin to the same government's innocent law abiding citizens.

Lastly, it has shown the true character of Jubilee. Jubilee does not respect the constitution and the freedom to access of information. Muzzling the press for fear of the truth.

We are in a dictatorship. The tyranny of numbers mantra is a fallacy. It all along has been electoral fraud. God help Kenya. How could Kenyans defile the fear of a bullet on their heads - as they always do - to attend an event they had been coerced to boycott? What if the government allowed the event in day one, came out and encouraged people to attend and promise their security? There would have been 48 million Kenyans at Uhuru park,  sorry "Raila Park."

Railas dedication towards a true and a just Kenya is unwavered. Being ready to face treason charges and a penalty of death by hanging for the sake of a just society, especially electoral justice. One day Kenyans will remember Raila just in case the journey to cannan leaves him no option but to exit without delivering Kenyans from the jaws of Jubilee mandarins.


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