Kenyans in Nairobi chose Sonko over Peter Keneth. They are choosing Anne Waiguru over Martha Karua. Jaguar over Boniface Mwangi. They are choosing Anyang nyongo, Cyprian Awiti; Do you expect Kenya to have elected a new President?
The truth is that, Turn out carried the day. A good friend of mine has just made me laugh my heart out. The voting day was a holiday. Now her neighbor who was an eligible voter did not open his door. Apparently the guy had his girlfriend come over and they did not even open the door to step outside the whole day.
As bizarre as it may sound. Two votes were wallowing in love while serious Kenyans spent the night on the gates of polling stations in order to make a ballot decision. As those who desired change braced the biting cold and freezing temperatures of the cold season, they were busy lighting their own fireplaces.
Most people are just KOT, or talkers they cannot even vote. These election results, if IEBC produces all Form 34s and 35s should not be disputed. And the losers, then must publicly accept that the majority must carry the day.
Elections are not decided by popularity or ideology par sei, but more importantly the turn out of the people.
Another important facet is the rejected votes. Surely, IEBC must rethink voting. 6 elections at once, same time, 6 different ballot papers. With some having nearly 30 contestants. Why should we allow a whole 8 presidential candidates? These elections should be split into phases.
Even the colours of the ballot papers were a bit confusing and as a result, may be some ballots ended up in the wrong box.
Though some people want to believe, there were protest votes where the protesters went to vote for the other 5 positions and deliberately spoiled the presidential vote, I don't agree. I think if somebody wanted to protest the presidential contest because both Uhuru and Raila are both sides of the same coin then they would have voted for Ekuru Aukot or Abduba Dida.
A sad truth is that voter education was insufficient and hence could have also contributed to the elephantine number of rejected votes. Most Kenyans do not understand governance, in fact many Kenyans do not understand how states operate, how those in power misuse and abuse power. How state resources are embezzled and how lucrative government contracts and jobs are irregularly awarded for personal gains and how governance affect the life of the common man.
Kenyans in Nairobi chose Sonko over Peter Keneth. They are choosing Anne Waiguru over Martha Karua. Jaguar over Boniface Mwangi. They are choosing Anyang nyongo, Cyprian Awiti; Do you expect Kenya to have elected a new President?
The truth is that, Turn out carried the day. A good friend of mine has just made me laugh my heart out. The voting day was a holiday. Now her neighbor who was an eligible voter did not open his door. Apparently the guy had his girlfriend come over and they did not even open the door to step outside the whole day.
As bizarre as it may sound. Two votes were wallowing in love while serious Kenyans spent the night on the gates of polling stations in order to make a ballot decision. As those who desired change braced the biting cold and freezing temperatures of the cold season, they were busy lighting their own fireplaces.
Most people are just KOT, or talkers they cannot even vote. These election results, if IEBC produces all Form 34s and 35s should not be disputed. And the losers, then must publicly accept that the majority must carry the day.
Elections are not decided by popularity or ideology par sei, but more importantly the turn out of the people.
Another important facet is the rejected votes. Surely, IEBC must rethink voting. 6 elections at once, same time, 6 different ballot papers. With some having nearly 30 contestants. Why should we allow a whole 8 presidential candidates? These elections should be split into phases.
Even the colours of the ballot papers were a bit confusing and as a result, may be some ballots ended up in the wrong box.
Though some people want to believe, there were protest votes where the protesters went to vote for the other 5 positions and deliberately spoiled the presidential vote, I don't agree. I think if somebody wanted to protest the presidential contest because both Uhuru and Raila are both sides of the same coin then they would have voted for Ekuru Aukot or Abduba Dida.
A sad truth is that voter education was insufficient and hence could have also contributed to the elephantine number of rejected votes. Most Kenyans do not understand governance, in fact many Kenyans do not understand how states operate, how those in power misuse and abuse power. How state resources are embezzled and how lucrative government contracts and jobs are irregularly awarded for personal gains and how governance affect the life of the common man.