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Just like in 1994 on 6th of April Rwandan genocide started over presidency. About 1.2 million Tutsis were massacred. Today The Luo are being massacred by the police. To my beloved Luos. Tom Mboya who is credited for bringing independence in Kenya using his brains and intellect as some people carried inferior weapons in the jungle to counter guns and machine guns was assassinated in broad daylight on Moi avenue in 1969.

Know your history. That is how they repaid Tom Mboya for giving independence to this nation by his own intellectual tallent. I don't want to talk about Robert Ouko, Odhiambo Mbai and many more.

Raila Odinga himself has survived several assassination attempts. I want to tell you that, there's no point getting to this level where we are treated as Tutsis by the Hutu police. There are many Other individuals from other tribes who have died in the discourse of democracy and truth. I want to assure you that, truth cannot die nor can it be killed, it prevails. The day of truth will be the day when truth shall shine so bright to illuminate all the evils, and it will be effortless.

I want to remind you who know history. The Luos are not only a tribe in Kenya, they are in many other countries like Tanzania, Uganda and many more. The Luos did not originate from South Sudan along the Nile valey where they were fishing but used Nile a migration line while on move.

Anachronistic Luo ancestors came all the way from Mesopotamia, the current Iraq. In there premeval era possibly antediluvian The Luos like other linguistic groups moved to Egypt when Egypt was predominantly a black populace. The Luo were the first to set up Alexandra University from which the Greeks adopted the ideas with which they would start up Hellenistic culture and invent education and Grecian mythologies and philosophies.

Before Socrates and Plato's Luos were already lecturing in ancient universities. My brothers and sisters lets not die because we can't fight tactfully. To the police, I don't understand why you should fish people from their houses, beat them up, demand money or even rape them. Why should a stray bullet hit someone sitting on his window? Is it a crime to be a Luo?

It is obvious the police seem to be bent at exterminating the Luo community. Why not just arrest them in court if through their picketing they break the law. Please end this genocide.


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