Sometimes you wonder whether there is need for judges anymore. Why do media outlets especially audiovisual, take it upon themselves to impose their uncalled for opinions and interpretations of very volatile and sharply dividing national issues?
Television media which normally host many a bigot hardliners, contribute a lot to intolerance and negative ethnicity. These people more often that not have a predicated, calculated and skewed opinions on national issues.
As they bestow upon themselves the powers to engineer public opinion and emotions, they create toxic perceptions amongst peaceful patriotic citizens.
The media has usurped the powers vested on the rulers and are ruling us with an iron fist, allowing egocentric partisan commentators and analysts to spew their innate toxicities. The media has become an integral link in the bureaucratic networks bringing this country to the dogs.
The media should not allow self made non neutral analysts propagate their hate messages eulogized as intellectual opinions. It is their radical thoughts to which can be ascribed rapid national disintegration. Political analysts and commentators should be moderate, right at the equilibrium to set a balance that can sustain nationalism.
Sometimes you wonder whether there is need for judges anymore. Why do media outlets especially audiovisual, take it upon themselves to impose their uncalled for opinions and interpretations of very volatile and sharply dividing national issues?
Television media which normally host many a bigot hardliners, contribute a lot to intolerance and negative ethnicity. These people more often that not have a predicated, calculated and skewed opinions on national issues.
As they bestow upon themselves the powers to engineer public opinion and emotions, they create toxic perceptions amongst peaceful patriotic citizens.
The media has usurped the powers vested on the rulers and are ruling us with an iron fist, allowing egocentric partisan commentators and analysts to spew their innate toxicities. The media has become an integral link in the bureaucratic networks bringing this country to the dogs.
The media should not allow self made non neutral analysts propagate their hate messages eulogized as intellectual opinions. It is their radical thoughts to which can be ascribed rapid national disintegration. Political analysts and commentators should be moderate, right at the equilibrium to set a balance that can sustain nationalism.