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Can IEBC executive who claims they have done internal audit and found there was no intrusion, give as an active print log report of the same time duration opposition leader had provided as the hacking log time. Evidence can only be countered with evidence, and transparency is the ingredient of integrity

Earlier on yesterday he had claimed there were issues with the system which they fixed. I think nobody should boast monopoly. Every where the earth is divided, even within IEBC itself. Even those fiery police officers out there to keep peace, every where the earth is divided.

Already real-time transmission has been omitted. As the results came without accompanying form 34 A. For now the verdict will depend on truth and Justice.

This was a serious omission which is against Kenyan law. To be honest, as Jubilee IT gurus try to craft some hocus pocus to distract the clamour for regime change, Kenyans are extra- vigilant.

For instance, they claim if there was hacking then how did they get the information? In fact IEBC has also played guerilla tactics by claiming they haven't had any formal complaint except what they saw in the media. They also reason if NASA IT expert uncovered this, why didn't he correct the system error or himself manipulate data in favour of his candidate. This only reiterates the fact, there was data manipulation.

The nation should know that whether there is a contention of which database whether Oracle or QSL database, the fact is this, purpoted manipulation was mostly in the regions Jubilee had falsely dabbed "Swing regions".

People should know, there is need for protection of information source for the safety of the sourcer. The nation is divided and the fact that the hacking keys were those of Msando and Chebukati is a hint . The information about hacking could be from within IEBC  itself primarily or from an honest external hacker who had no interest in stealing election. As it is everybody should be calm and maintain peace.


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