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During my days in campus, Environmental Education was a basic course that was mandatory to everybody taking a science course. A common unit as it was called. The point I am struggling to drive home is about the paper bag debate. The banning of plastic bags as envisaged is more of a problem than an environmental solution. 

Although it is not a total ban, the ban will negatively affect the economy. Anonymous sources place the figure of the number of Kenyans who are going to be rendered jobless by the closure of polythene manufacturing companies to a whopping 600 000. In a country where unemployment rates are at its peak of 40% -in fact it could be twice the documented figure, retrenching over 600 000 people at once is disastrous.

The effect of this will be felt when the revenue the government collects from these people are unavailable. These people will plunge deeper into economic desert in these hard economic times. Though the environment might appear clean due to reduced nylon bags because of the reduction in the over 4000 tones monthly manufactured nylon bags, the government will lose the value added tax and income generated from its trade.

The drafters of the bill that birthed the act were a bit parochial. The problem is not the plastic or nylon single use bags, but the solid paper bag waste that pollutes the environment in general. Consequently the bill would have sought to address the problem not create more problems. The act would have addressed the pollution and disposal without banning the use. The progenitors of the bill would have thought about implementing responsible use and disposal rather than banning the product. Despite being non biodegradable, it can be recycled, used to make other products or disposed in an environmentally friendly way.

Some of these acts of parliament are a direct punishment and oppression of the poor. In such economic organization like Kenya where the poor do not participate in a functional way in driving the economy, the rich class- government included – have no sympathy with the plight of those below or on the poverty line. It is the poor who use the single plastic bags. It is them who work in the factories which manufacture the bags and in most cases it is them who directly benefit from its trade. By banning these nylon bags, the government and the rich in general are waging an economic war on the poor. It’s like bombing their ramshackle settings.

Let’s be candid here. Who uses these bags, so that they are in for it? It’s the poor. Where will the poor get the one to four million Kenya shillings fine? If you arrest a poor man and throw him in jail for one to four years for using plastic bag, are you helping this person already poor? To me this plastic paper bag thing is a conspiracy against the poor. The government is out to ensure the poor remain poor forever at whatever cost.
Until now, the implementers of this act are yet to ensure alternative carrier bags are in the market. 

What kind of strategy is that? The effective date of implementation is already here and yet alternative carriers are yet to be introduced in the market. How will the citizen transition from plastic bags when the government is affecting the law without alternative carriers? The government says they have identified forty companies to manufacture the alternative carrier bags and that they will be having an exhibition at KICC about alternative carriers made of sisal, leather, fabric etc. this would have been done several months before the effective date of the law. Even the new constitution did not take effect at the speed of lightening.

Because solid waste management is a devolved function, the governors should make sure the respective by-laws ostensibly for implementing the ban are not hastened, drastic and oppressive on the common mwananchi.


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