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Showing posts from August, 2017


WHEN YOUR OWN LAWYER BECOMES YOUR JUDGE WHO JUDGES YOU JUSTLY. A lady committed a crime and she was sent to court. The punishment for the crime was life imprisonment. She shed tears for help but to no avail. When the case was called in court she started weeping. Her husband, family and friends who accompanied her started weeping but there was no hope.  Something happened. Before the lady could stand in the witness box a man stood up and the court room was silent. Everyone looked at Him. He was noble and gentle. He stood in the witness box and interceded on behalf of the woman. The case was difficult, yet He used all His strength, energy and resources to fight on behalf of the woman. After a long legal battle between the man and the accusers, the lady was set free. The lady fell before the man and asked, " who are you?" The next day the lady deliberately committed another crime and was sent to the same court. As soon as she entered the courtroom, she saw the man who inte...


KENYA BANNS PLASTIC PAPER BAGS During my days in campus, Environmental Education was a basic course that was mandatory to everybody taking a science course. A common unit as it was called. The point I am struggling to drive home is about the paper bag debate. The banning of plastic bags as envisaged is more of a problem than an environmental solution.  Although it is not a total ban, the ban will negatively affect the economy. Anonymous sources place the figure of the number of Kenyans who are going to be rendered jobless by the closure of polythene manufacturing companies to a whopping 600 000. In a country where unemployment rates are at its peak of 40% -in fact it could be twice the documented figure, retrenching over 600 000 people at once is disastrous. The effect of this will be felt when the revenue the government collects from these people are unavailable. These people will plunge deeper into economic desert in these hard economic times. Though the environmen...

Of Opposition politicians in Love with Jubilee

There is no humbling a defeat as to lose a gubernatorial race and opt to be a nominated member of parliament. I think there is more than meets the eye with Wilson Sossion stepping aside for former Bomet governor. This speaks volumes on the impending court declaration on presidential petition. Am not taking for granted the pomp, zeal and zest with which Dr. Evans Kidero accepted his loss to Mike Sonko. It is beyond reproach Dr. Was traded at a fair price. Kidero has just let the luck of becoming a Luo kingpin pass by his door. All along Kidero has been precarious and wavering even at many occasions endorsing President Uhuru. How come Kidero did not make any remarks regarding gubernatorial elections? I know of my guys who voted in Nairobi. They told me how Kidero votes were found thrown in some water. How Passaris votes and those of Mike Sonko had no correlation, the magic 54 percentum etcetera. Am also worried about Ali Hassan Joho. The guy has gone so quiet. The same to other promi...


WHY MEDIA PARTICULARLY AUDIOVISUAL IS PREACHING DIVISION AND PLANTING HATRED. Sometimes you wonder whether there is need for judges anymore. Why do media outlets especially audiovisual, take it upon themselves to impose their uncalled for opinions and interpretations of very volatile and sharply dividing national issues? Television media which normally host many a bigot hardliners, contribute a lot to intolerance and negative ethnicity. These people more often that not have a predicated, calculated and skewed opinions on national issues. As they bestow upon themselves the powers to engineer public opinion and emotions, they create toxic perceptions amongst peaceful patriotic citizens. The media has usurped the powers vested on the rulers and are ruling us with an iron fist, allowing egocentric partisan commentators and analysts to spew their innate toxicities. The media has become an integral link in the bureaucratic networks bringing this country to the dogs. The media shoul...


DO LAWYERS FEEL ANYTHING REPRESENTING A GUILTY PERSON? The profession of law is a tricky career. Once I was a cyber manager in Kondele, Ksm. Then one day a guy brought a script handwritten in small, almost illegible handwriting. I was to typeset the document in one hour since a lawyer would be picking it an hour later. Now this was an appeal  about a guy  who was sentenced to death for robbery with violence. I kept a copy of that submission to date. From the arguments which were very strong the guy was guilty. All the appeals lawyer did was to punch holes in the evidence used to incriminate the appellant. That was 2008. Today internationally renowned lawyers who in their conscience, by virtue of being learned friends, know how the elections were dramatically rigged, will be representing IEBC and President and Deputy President elect to refute the evidence NASA puts forth. Somebody knows very well the elections were shambolic, but will still wear a big gown and before th...


JOURNALISTS SHOULD NOT BE PARTISAN MYOPIC THOUGHTS. I know you probably in your own reverie wish I could stop this conversation about elections and move on. My message to you is, I am not a man who can kill for any course. There is no course I can kill for but sure a man can die for many courses consciously or non conscientiously. Consequently, we will still ventilate the issue of elections perhaps for the next five years. Elections are like the heartbeat of democracy. A country with a government which cannot restrain its itchy fingers from meddling with democratic rights of the people cannot be labeled a free, fair and just nation. I constantly say, I like some journalists, and my favourite is Hussein Mohamed of Citizen TV. There are some journalists who are very myopic while looking at critical issues, you wonder if they are in the right profession. Take for instance, a known journalist, argues elections in Kenya which were held in 8/8/2017 was free and fair because almost ...


DAVID MUSILA DECAMPS FROM INDEPENDENT TO JUBILEE SYMPATHIZER. Former Kitui Senator and Wiper Democratic movement principal and a strong alie to NASA's running mate Hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, Hon. David Musila, finally crosses over to his favorite political camp, Jubilee. Musila obviously had been yearning to find a scape goat to cross over back to Egypt ha ha haaaa! Moving on swift and furious, his actions speaks a lot. I know he was an independent candidate, but Wiper leader Kalonzo had not disowned him. The gates were left open for him like the prodigal son. He was until then the Chairman of Wiper Democratic movement. The guy has promised to mobilise the Kamba community into working together with the government. Not a bad move if he wants to assassinate Kalonzo's presidential ambitions. Musila had opted to be given direct nominations to run for the Kitui gubernatorial seat, something which was impossible. That's where his fallout with Wiper started. He tried to...


DAVID MUSILA DECAMPS FROM INDEPENDENT TO JUBILEE SYMPATHIZER. Former Kitui Senator and Wiper Democratic movement principal and a strong alie to NASA's running mate Hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, Hon. David Musila, finally crosses over to his favorite political camp, Jubilee. Musila obviously had been yearning to find a scape goat to cross over back to Egypt ha ha haaaa! Moving on swift and furious, his actions speaks a lot. I know he was an independent candidate, but Wiper leader Kalonzo had not disowned him. The gates were left open for him like the prodigal son. He was until then the Chairman of Wiper Democratic movement. The guy has promised to mobilise the Kamba community into working together with the government. Not a bad move if he wants to assassinate Kalonzo's presidential ambitions. Musila had opted to be given direct nominations to run for the Kitui gubernatorial seat, something which was impossible. That's where his fallout with Wiper started. He tried to ...


DO NOT BLAME THE CHURCH A PERSON WORSHIPS WITH FOR THE WRONGS HE COMMIT. ABSOLVE THE CHURCH FROM INDIVIDUAL CHOICES. Some people have misdirected their anger to the SDA Church. Apparently because some members of the IEBC are either elders or regular faithfuls in the Adventist Church. This is so wrong. First, I don't know which part of the Bible says all Seventh day Adventists are supposed to be faultless or infallible. JUDAS ISCARIOT was one the disciples of Jesus. He was almost the chief executive of the commission Jesus charged with the Kingdom of God and who according to the Bible will sit on thrones in Gods Kingdom. My brothers and sisters, if Judas the man who betrayed Jesus was the Chief finance officer, in charge of the money bag, what makes you think there are no such people in Gods Church. The Parable of the Weeds 24 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, 25 but while his men ...


Kenya should immediately start thinking about electoral college. Where each county will have an equal number of delegates. Don't tell me they will be bribed. As a country we have suffered in the hand of a select few who think power belongs to them. This desire for regime change has pushed us to the top of the cliff that is technology based elections. Unfortunately, technology especially on results transmission is porous to cyber attack in an IT era where nothing is impossible. Am not convinced whether it must be electronic transmission, I think there are other countries which have been able to hold credible elections without going electronic. The United states has a population of about 320 million people. They had over 200 million voters( popular votes). In their last elections they had known their president within 24 hours. Kenyans should learn to vote in leaders based on values. I still would like to espouse, Hon. Kalembe Ndile's proposition, that presidency should ...


STOP THIS MASSACRE. Just like in 1994 on 6th of April Rwandan genocide started over presidency. About 1.2 million Tutsis were massacred. Today The Luo are being massacred by the police. To my beloved Luos. Tom Mboya who is credited for bringing independence in Kenya using his brains and intellect as some people carried inferior weapons in the jungle to counter guns and machine guns was assassinated in broad daylight on Moi avenue in 1969. Know your history. That is how they repaid Tom Mboya for giving independence to this nation by his own intellectual tallent. I don't want to talk about Robert Ouko, Odhiambo Mbai and many more. Raila Odinga himself has survived several assassination attempts. I want to tell you that, there's no point getting to this level where we are treated as Tutsis by the Hutu police. There are many Other individuals from other tribes who have died in the discourse of democracy and truth. I want to assure you that, truth cannot die nor can it ...


IT IS WRONG FOR AFRICAN LEADERS TO GET POWER THROUGH MACHIAVELLIAN MEANS. Kenya should immediately start thinking about electoral college. Where each county will have an equal number of delegates. Don't tell me they will be bribed. As a country we have suffered in the hand of a select few who think power belongs to them. This desire for regime change has pushed us to the top of the cliff that is technology based elections. Unfortunately, technology especially on results transmission is porous to cyber attack in an IT era where nothing is impossible. Am not convinced whether it must be electronic transmission, I think there are other countries which have been able to hold credible elections without going electronic. The United states has a population of about 320 million people. They had over 200 million voters( popular votes). In their last elections they had known their president within 24 hours. Kenyans should learn to vote in leaders based on values. I still would li...


MY CONCESSION SPEECH. One thing happened a few days to Kenyan general elections, Justin Gatlin pulled a shocker by beating Ussain Bolt. It was unexpected. Gatlin had always desired that monumental win over Ussain. He always came second behind Bolt literally in almost all races. Who else thought, Zedekiah Bundotich Buzeki would lose to Jackson Mandago? I am not appalled with Sonkos win with the magic 54 percentum. Sonko won in the lavish posh Surburbans of Nairobi. From Runda to Carren to Muthaiga just to mention but a few. I'd like to congratulate Mishi Juma K mboko. I love this woman. Her zeal, zest and her jeers to Jubilee stalwarts. In that order, I want to thank God for making sure that Rachael sebesh looses head down to Passaris miss Nai. I am impressed too with Babu Owino. My challenge to Babu Owino is to look at the Nairobi governorship in 2022. I also congratulate one and only Sultan 001. This man has surmounted impregnable barriers; the egregious recidivistic Jubilee...


TECH SAVVY RIGGING. Can IEBC executive who claims they have done internal audit and found there was no intrusion, give as an active print log report of the same time duration opposition leader had provided as the hacking log time. Evidence can only be countered with evidence, and transparency is the ingredient of integrity Earlier on yesterday he had claimed there were issues with the system which they fixed. I think nobody should boast monopoly. Every where the earth is divided, even within IEBC itself. Even those fiery police officers out there to keep peace, every where the earth is divided. Already real-time transmission has been omitted. As the results came without accompanying form 34 A. For now the verdict will depend on truth and Justice. This was a serious omission which is against Kenyan law. To be honest, as Jubilee IT gurus try to craft some hocus pocus to distract the clamour for regime change, Kenyans are extra- vigilant. For instance, they claim if there was hac...


NOT YET UHURU. Kenyans in Nairobi chose Sonko over Peter Keneth. They are choosing Anne Waiguru over Martha Karua. Jaguar over Boniface Mwangi. They are choosing Anyang nyongo, Cyprian Awiti; Do you expect Kenya to have elected a new President? The truth is that, Turn out carried the day. A good friend of mine has just made me laugh my heart out. The voting day was a holiday. Now her neighbor who was an eligible voter did not open his door. Apparently the guy had his girlfriend come over and they did not even open the door to step outside the whole day. As bizarre as it may sound. Two votes were wallowing in love while serious Kenyans spent the night on the gates of polling stations in order to make a ballot decision. As those who desired change braced the biting cold and freezing temperatures of the cold season, they were busy lighting their own fireplaces. Most people are just KOT, or talkers they cannot even vote. These election results, if IEBC produces all Form 34s and 35s...


Kenyans in Nairobi chose Sonko over Peter Keneth. They are choosing Anne Waiguru over Martha Karua. Jaguar over Boniface Mwangi. They are choosing Anyang nyongo, Cyprian Awiti; Do you expect Kenya to have elected a new President? The truth is that, Turn out carried the day. A good friend of mine has just made me laugh my heart out. The voting day was a holiday. Now her neighbor who was an eligible voter did not open his door. Apparently the guy had his girlfriend come over and they did not even open the door to step outside the whole day. As bizarre as it may sound. Two votes were wallowing in love while serious Kenyans, most of whom spent on the gates of polling stations in order to make a ballot decision. Most people are just KOT, or talkers they cannot even vote. These election results, if IEBC produces all Form 34s and 35s should not be disputed. And loser then must publicly accept that the majority must carry the day. Elections are not decided by popularity or ideology par...


Let's face the facts. First lady went to stand in the que to earn public admiration, some sympathy votes here and there. Ha ha haaaa. The campaigns ended on Saturday, but our first woman was still applying her sixth sense to woo sympathy votes by standing idly in the line, when she is privileged to have preferential treatment. I guess she had some pending work as the First Lady. Which of the many dignitaries was caught on Camera standing in the que? This was the greatest publicity stunt in the history of Kenya. It was very chilly this morning and hence completely preposterous for a national figure and number one family member, to stand there under freezing temperatures for no good reason I have come to believe birds of a feather indeed fly together. If you see the character of a man you can tell who his wife is and vice versa. Queueing by any privileged person whether it be Sakaja Johnson, Isaac Ruto, William Ruto or any other was a psychological ploy to dissuade those at the...


TO THOSE YOUTHS WHO DID NOT VOTE. I am still shocked at how some people are always smartly dressed. They claim to be the ones tired with the government, yet these people did not vote.  Today we pestered a friend who is a highschool teacher till noon, yet she was still adamant to go vote. I know of a friend who was so exhausted with the government he wanted to pass out. He is a highschool teacher, he carried his wife and children to the village, one week to elections. As a result two votes lay idle somewhere in Kisii county. There are people who are real hypocrites. They talk too much about governance and somebody cannot vote. Too make the matter worse, these are Christians. There is no way you can be interested in national issues and consciously abscond voting. I know you could have thought it not important, but I want to bring to your attention, the holy Scriptures. Esther 4:12-16. " When Esther's words were reported to Mordecai, 13 he sent back this answer, 'Do n...


WHAT THE KENYA GOVERNMENT CAN BORROW FROM SAUDI IN ALLEVIATING UNEMPLOYMENT Saudization is a term used to refer to the new policy by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to compel all the Saudi employers to designate a specific quota of job opportunities in that organization to Saudi nationals. The policy is implemented by the ministry of labor of the Saudi government. The government of Saudi formulated this policy with the hope it will significantly arrest the soaring unemployment rates; under the slogan,” put the Saudi in the Saudization.” Although the Saudi government and its political elite are happy with it, the proponent of this system; the business community harbor mixed feelings. They have sounded alarm bells against its implementation and even attempted to seek a way of repealing it. It is worthy to note that the program as fashioned by the Saudi government opens doors to the Saudis who take advantage of the government directive. When they take up the jobs their domestic o...


WHEN THE FAVORITES LOSE On May third 2016, Leicester City fans sat tranquil and expectant at a pub in Leicester England. They were waiting for an epic victory in the history of football. Chelsea who were pausing a neck to neck competition for the trophy, were taking on Tottenham hot spurs, which too was eying the trophy. Any draw as it turned out to be 2-2 would give Leicester its first ever premier league trophy, because Tottenham had to beat Chelsea to prolong the competition. It came to pass, an underdog team rose from grass to grace. The team was elevated from second division to the premier league and surprisingly it came to taunt the big teams and lift the trophy. 2015- 2016 season which was their dramatic win, was actually their 111 th season in the Premiership. It was their second consecutive appearance and they rewrote history. They lost only three games. Sometimes the favourites just cannot win. If Claudio Ranieri managed to lead his side to a surprise victory, oppos...