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On the eve of the presidential petition by Raila and other versus IEBC,Chebukati,UhuruKenyatta and Other, Fazul who it emerged was discontinued from Egerton University hastily took to deregister KHRC(Kenya human rights commission) and Africa centre for open governance(AFRICOG), which were strategic observers in the recently nullified August presidential poll. This autocratic act obviously was not fronted by Fazul himself but more powerful forces bent at ensuring a presidential election petition would neither be possible nor be strong enough to annul the reelection of president Kenyatta. In the course of an insidious suppression of  a possible petition. Maina Kiai was frustrated as he traveled outside the country, principally because he is one of the directors of the KHRC.

It is surprising how Fazul hasn't publicized anything concerning this new NGO, Angaza empowerment network, which through its director Derrick Maliku Ngumu has filled a petition seeking an ouster of two Supreme court judges. I pity how Kenyans prefer to be used by politicians just for money. Assuming that Derrick Maliku Ngumu did not make up or contrive those allegations -which is more probable than not- then the question that needs to be answered is how did he manage to get private phone calls for diferent individuals?

By now Derrick Maliku Ngumu should have been arrested and probably languishing in some police cell for criminal acts. It is criminal for an individual to obtain private phone conversation without court directive. The phone service providers are also culpable if they expose private phone conversations without the discretion of the subscribers. The petitioner violated the constitution apart from the communications act and evidence act in retrieving unlawfully private phone calls.

The most intriguing part is, who is able to obtain private phone calls for powerful individuals in the country? Only the government and its intelligence wing can obtain such information because its only them who have the capacity to do so. If it were to be so that the evidence Derrick adduced are obtained from the NIS then who are the real sponsors and benefactors of these two petitions seeking to oust Philomena Mwilu and Isaac Lenaola on such frivolous grounds? Obviously the unseen forces are those aggrieved by the annulment of the shambolic August eighth presidential polls.

One does not need to be a rocket scientist to know the petitions which were filed and broadcasted in the daily newspaper just on the day when the detailed judgement that invalidated the reelection of the President was to be read, were not on behalf of Angaza empowerment network or Derrick Maliku but some super powers using the NGO as tool to execute their wish in disguise.

I don't know why politicians think they can persue their selfish interests through Naive people or NGOs without suspicion from the public? What is done in the dark will be revealed in the light, says the holy book, the words of Jesus himself. No matter how crafty you are, Kenyans are learned and always know the antics going on behind the curtain.

These petitions were obviously contrived to discredit the court system and completely errode confidence in the judiciary. On the other hand if they were to turn out to be true then the Supreme court will have no otherwise than to be disbanded and reconstituted and weed out rogue characters. Amazing that the Chief Justice, a man who cannot sacrifice truth and the rule of law for any other course, has dared those aggrieved to seek recourse from the people. To call a referendum to scrap the Supreme court. Well the people can decide if they are really for a stronger Supreme court or not. Well in the future after the judiciary is paralyzed by the slaying whims emanating from various quotas, Kenyans will cry for justice but they will never find it, perhaps only from the international courts.

Meanwhile the NGO coordination board chairman should clear the air on a few things concerning the Derrick Maliku Angaza empowerment network NGO.

Dear Fazul Mohamed, Executive Director, NGO Board:                                                                       An NGO called Angaza Empowerment Network through one Derrick Maliku Ngumu has filed a Petition to remove Justices Philomena Mailu and Isaac Lenaola from the Supreme Court. Pursuant to Article 35 of the Constitution, make public:
 1. When this NGO was registered and when you issued the Certificate and Certificate number.
2. Whether the NGO has bank accounts and which Banks.
3. How much money has the NGO been receiving and from who?
4. Who are the Directors and Senior Management of the NGO?
5. Who is Derrick Malika Ngumu, and what is his title in the NGO?
6. If the NGO is registered, what were its objectives?  Before, you have published details of other NGOs. As a public servant, Chapter 6 of the Constitution obligates you to be impartial and to treat all equally.                                                      


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