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In the principles of separation of power, The President is not the head of government. He is the head of state. He heads one arm of the government called executive. The chief justice is the head of Judiciary (not attorney general). He is the president of the supreme Court - the highest court of the land. Then there is the Speaker, who is the head of parliament.

Most of the times many have thought the attorney general heads the Judiciary but no. Attorney general's chief role is advising the president and parliament. He is an ex- officio member of parliament and also a member of the executive. He is part of the cabinet which forms the executive.

Parliament, both Senate and Legislative assembly are charged with making laws. The executive implement those laws and other functions while Judiciary reserves the decision as to who has violated aIntern the laws and interpretes the law and the extent and impacts of those transgressions.

From the Third angle projection, viewing the plan of the object of power separation when the term of the president and parliament expires, only the Chief Justice remains in power to swear in a new President.

So the people of Nyamira were blessed to have the President of the Supreme  court. They are entitled to stand by their son when a tirade of abuses, insults, threats and mockery is hurled at him by those aspiring to occupy seats in the executive. So Anti- Uhuruto demonstrations in Nyamira are justified.

One day the Jubilee brigade went to Nyamira to seduce the residents for votes. They bragged to the residents how they literally gave his Lordship David Maraga his current Job. It was such a desperate situation employing desperate measures. The president then went ahead to dish out some millions for Intergrated internally displaced people. Apparently it is purported the region endorsed President Kenyatta. My question is by threatening the Chief Justice, even though those threats are null and void, can we say the president mean well for the abagusii in Nyamira specifically?

It is so unfortunate the remarks coming from the Jubilee HONCHOS and which are ostensibly geared to erode public confidence in the Judiciary and perhaps set the ground mood for their removal through some machiavellian manner. Kenyans should pray because if those who are preaching peace also have anger as part of their doctrine, even if that anger is resulting from impunity, then we rest assured the country is plunging deadly into the abyss of division and ethnic hatred.

Those who can get on their knees like the Chief Justice, please pray for the nation because the signs of the times are not good at all. Despite making history we could be doing it for the wrong reasons. The judgment was impartial and based on evidence and facts but its becoming a hot potato for the executive to swallow as the days go by.


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