Tumbocracy is a fairly new term that has cropped up in the midst of stomach politics by politicians who have in one way or another found themselves between a rock and hard place after they were unexpectedly ousted from the Political center stage. Lamenting the money they lost in campaigns, they can't resist the temptation to jump ship in order to fill their hungry stomachs.
Some men are blessed with an undying spirit. Omar Hassan believes he can defeat Hassan Joho to become Mombasa governor in a repeat election. Try to think what our teachers taught us in form one geography. When you see an army of ants across the paths or a flock of birds high in the atmosphere then you know the rainy season is here.
I think there are so many ways of defecting from NASA to Jubilee without you being noticed to be doing, "politics of the stomach" also known as "jodong aichism". Omar Hassan seems to have been traded at a fair price but he doesn't want to be honest like those other politicians who openly prioritize their stomachs to the will and need of the people. "I was feeling cold and lonely." Ha ha haaa. Honestly what about the true devolution you've been clamouring for? What becomes of its fate? Poor hypocrites!
It is preposterous for a person who thinks himself a politician - a representative of the people - to change his political stand at such a critical time when the country is heading to a repeat polls. It is so shameful politicians tune their minds to their bellies at the expense of the common man. So much that they tell all manner of lame excuses. Mara oooh, Mara they stole my wife. Mara we are tired of being out of the government. How does it even make sense to claim your community is out of the government, when the government is for all and by all?
In Luopene lingo they are called, " jodong such" ; meaning they are those old guards who will not stop at anything so long as they find something for their belly. They engage in all manner of beaurucracy. The kind of Kamba elders purportedly hosted in statehouse to try and win sympathy votes.
Such demagogues are the people who sow the seed of tribalism, negative ethnicity and bureaucracy. The government does not belong to a community and when communities start to think they own the government then that is where the rain of tribalism starts to pour.