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What is happening at the Supreme court is exactly what the Jews did the day Jesus was delivered to Pontius Pilate by Herod. These religious bigots thought they were defending God, to the extend they opted God(Son) to be killed on the account of their own blood. Yet Pilate -whose wife knew Jesus as a Just man, counselled him  not to partake in the sins of the jews- knowing Jesus was innocent had to wash his hand according to the tradition of the Jews to stamp his non involvement in the Jewish decision to crucify Christ and free a scoundrel called Barrabbas. Just like Jesus asked, "I was with you daily and you witness I never taught anything contrary to God, why do you want kill me?".

 If I may ask, WHY DEMONSTRATE TODAY WHEN THE DETAILED JUDGEMENT IS BEING READ? While all that time since September 1st they were not demonstrating. Why didn't they demonstrate any other day because according to me if they were to IMPEDE THE JUDGEMENT then it can't be the material day of reading the judgement? I can tell you for a fact that the Jews who were stirred up and boisterous were inspired and influenced by the CHIEF PRIESTS AND THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE ROMAN SOLDIERS, and not by their own will did they protests. Likewise the protesters near the Supreme court were instigated by their very leaders.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures. It is apparent those opposed to Supreme court judgement has resorted to gorilla tactics to try to pursue their mantra of fronting a coalition government. Opposition leader should not accede to these antics as it is more obvious than not he won the elections. Hon Raila Odinga should not walk into another danger of a coalition government like a fool the same way he did in 2007 when he won the elections but was robbed of his victory. This time round  he should not accept negotiating anything in the name of a coalition government.

Kenyans are tired of those coalition governments where one faction leader is treated like a toothless dog while the other patronizes the entire executive. Mr Odinga should go for all or nothing, because he shouldn't be that desperate for power as to obtain even an insignificant amount of power. Kenyans have bestowed a lot of their trust on Mr Odinga, who carries with himself worldwide endorsement. He is the man with an acumen to establish a truthful, united, just and free Kenya.

I urge Mr. Odinga to stand for his values without fear or favour, without any manipulation or wavering his stance. Kenya as it is, is in a state of disarray in which only real regime change can restore the lost glory.


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