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I think it behoves me to clarify this misconception. Ngunjiri Wambugu's petition to oust Justice  David Maraga is not the Jubilee strategy to trim judicial powers or to  intimidate the court system. Although it is logical to adopt such argument, considering the backlog of petitions in court which could turn tables in the tyranny of numbers.

Contrastingly, I feel Ngunjiri, who is obviously speaking on behalf of the Jubilee party, and other mandarins deliberately orchestrated this debate on CJ ouster ostensibly to hoodwink the Abagusii community, am afraid to say. The debate will become an effective propaganda narrative that will try to bring irate kisiis back onto the Jubilee frying pan

Already there has been demonstrations reported in  kisii land as a result of filling the petition. What followed? Jubilee army, from bloggers to supporters to luminaries and hecklers came out guns blazing. They distanced themselves from Ngunjiri's petition yet the petitioner is an insider, one of the confidants of Jubilee party leaders. Their objective was to portray Jubilee as a party that is for the good of Kisii voters and which cannot tolerate an unfair ouster of the Chief justice.

With this covert monkey business, Jubilee wish to endear itself to the  naive kisii electorate. Simply by the party painting itself a picture which it is not, an ethnic and nondemocratic party. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "you are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean", Matt 23:27

Kenyans are now aware of these bonoko way of courting votes. You still remember all those stage managed theatrics in the eve of the invalidated august polls? Kisii electorate should not fall for this hoodwinking. It is like assuming people are stupid not to know these mischievous schemes. Ngunjiri is just implementing a clandestine scheme to court kisii votes after it emerged Kisii and Nyamira counties were on the spotlight about election malpractice. I hope you listened to Kisii senator elect as she debunked the lie of Kisii being a swing county. For more titbits,
 httwwwamazingarticles.blogspot. com


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