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Although Kenya boasts a low divorce rate compared to neighbouring countries which has double it's prevalent rates, the dwindling rates cannot be felt on the ground. Most marriages still end up on the rocks. The Bible gives no room to divorce except for situations where unfaithfulness is irreparable.

With about 15% divorce rate, Kenya's successful marriage relationships are credited to women marrying at a much latter date than normal.The McGill university study published in December 2016, which came up with the 15% rate, attributes the unbroken marriages to education among other things which compel women to marry late in life.

At such later age the women are not distracted in their commitment in relationships. It is all they want and are more objective and determined to keep the marriages. They work towards keeping and building the marriages apart from going out of their way to cure differences.

Another possible reason is the maturity factor. Most women tend to pursue success and education and carreers before settling down. After achieving these ambitions, women are normally aged and hence does not attract many potential suitors. They end up being sponsors and mafissilet, preying on jobless young men who are seeking easy life.

Since they are more mature than these young men, they control their marriages and as such have no ingredients for disagreement, conflict and misunderstandings. They pull the shots. They are the decision makers and the young men who enter with them in relationships are like mere puppets, who just dance to the tune they sing.

Today for smooth harmonious marriages, it is mostly the union of a Sugar mummy and a sugarboy. So long as the woman is footing all the bills the relationship will subsist because the man will be compelled to toe the line she draws.

True to the fact, women who enter into marriage before achieving their goals like education and career normally find it hard to juggle ambition and marriage life. As a result most relationships break because of overexpectation. Naturally men prefer a woman who spends more time at home tending to the kids and the house. A responsibility the modern woman has left to the housemaids or managers. So much that the house girls themselves steal the husband's and thereby breaking the families.


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