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I pity the common mwananchi, the hustlers who are used and abused. Yesterday I couldn't believe my eyes as vibrant young men full of vitality, heckled and booed his Excellency the President. The president was there in the podium as these young man grumbled and murmured the most respected man in the country. They sung in unison, "Hatutaki Ruuuto, Hatutaki Ruuto!"

I slid back into memory lane, when president Kenyatta Snr, toured Kisumu town in 1969 to launch now Joramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and memorial hospital. Well if you are upbeat with history, Joramogi Oginga Odinga, Achieng Oneko and many Luo luminaries were arrested. Hundreds were killed and thousands arrested. What am saying is that the office of the president is not a joke.

There are so many young people who died for politicians since 2013. As we vaingloriously wallow in political subservience, politicians are happy looking at the manner of tools they have at their disposal to pursue their individual selfish interests.

Yes, you will hit the headline, but for wrong reasons. When shall we ceize being "the Opium of the bourgeoisie's?". Today there was a requiem mass for the fallen general and it was live in almost all media houses, yet your requiem mass will not be attended by those you are shedding blood for.

The day Nkaisseri passed on early 8th July, 9 innocent people were brutally beheaded and 4 police officers murdered by Alshabaab terrorists. Three days latter another 3 officers died still on the hands of these religious shenanigans. These deaths never hit the media headline. Nicholas Biwot died and you can attest to this fact. Some deaths- of the common man- are not important at all. 

Raila too was dehydrated and given water in the hospital, it becomes news. So many people have died due to the nurses strike and during the doctors strike, lecturers too are on strike but who cares? Wait and vote carefully on 8-8 revolution. Make sure your ballot paper is not spoiled by you or the IEBC official. Do the voting hawk-eyed. Your vote your choice. your vote is the most superior with which you can speak the loudest in the strongest tone.

It's high time hustlers we realized, we are voters to vote for them. Let's remain just that and refuse to be used and abused for political reasons. You will die like the others and only your family will suffer. In fact the politicians will not even recognize you have died. There is no point heckling or being hired to cause mayhem and commotion. If you are disgruntled just keep off, it will help. Otherwise something tragic can spontaneously happen.

I think, the current spate of campaign or election intolerance, violence and hooliganism can be attributed to His Excellency the President and his deputy scolding and lecturing Chief Justice David Maragah and the entire Judiciary in broad daylight at a public rally. This was uncalled for, since as leaders they understand the right channel of seeking redress to their dissatisfaction.

After their unfortunate act, every crook must have been motivated to intolerance, hate and hooliganism. They, including Lawyer and Sanator, Kipchumba Murkomen must bear the greatest portion of the blame. They ignited and inspired lawlessness and disregard to the rule of law, thereby setting a bad precedence.
Due to the respect we owe them and their obligation to foster the principle of separation of powers, they ought to have sought an amicable, round table discussion without emphasizing in the public podium that the executive will not condone the verdict of the court.


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