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“This time round I will not be running for presidency”, said he. The words have created a hot debate on the dynamics of Kenyan politics. Very soft, honest and sincere words he uttered but Peter Kenneth hardly knew the political storm he was brewing by speaking his mind.
In 1978 former president Hon. Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, the then vice president was laughed off as a passing wind. While Mzee was just about to breath his last in his illness. An eleventh hour race to amend the constitution with an aim of blocking Daniel Moi from sitting as interim president for 90 days, was flagged off. Only if wishes were horses but alas! Mzee died before this selfish ambition matured.
Just as in football, performance history can perfectly foretell future performance.  Perhaps  because naturally, history repeats itself. Similarly in the Kenyan executive structure, history has not defied its order. Right from the first time vice president Jaramogi  Oginga  Odinga was shown the door by former president Mzee Jomo.  There is no single time when an outgoing president bequeathed the presidential mantle to his immediate deputy. By this very fact deputy president, Hon. William Rutto will never be endorsed by his boss President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Although it is both sad and worthy of note, Kenyan politics is ethnic based; this is not bad in itself. There is no single instance when the president’s community ever voted for a presidential candidate from another community. To me there is nothing bad if people vote this way as long as they have their own fundamental basis of doing that, even after civil education is done. It will not be news if in 2022 deputy president garners ones and tens in numbers of votes from the greater Gema conglomeration.
Peter Kenneth must be an astute politician to have figured out the road to the presidency. There are many from the Gema communities, who have in the past contested the presidency as underdogs alongside Gema favorites; yet they did not garner a significant amount of vote from their community. This partly demystifies the popular belief that our voting patterns are ethnically inclined. Even in the intra-community contest there are those who are the best picks.
This ingenious man must have unraveled the truth. He cannot have his larger community support; neither can he fairly compete alongside president Uhuru. The son of Jomo tried to contest alongside Emilio Kibaki in 2002 and though he had considerable support from the greater Gema block, the lack of support from Kamatusa and western blocks caused him to fail.
 He went back to the drawing board and examined the prevailing politics. Consequently he agreed to eat humble pie and rally behind mzee Kibaki in the 2007 elections. His close association and partnership with the then incumbent president Kibaki, lead to him being handed the button of mantle-ship by the Mount Kenya mafia in a somewhat Machiavellian manner that automatically jostled out the then vice president Kalonzo Musyoka.
With the invaluable support of the Rift valley Uhuru was destined to be a favourite in the 2013 elections. Since history is not disparaging, and with dissenting voices about the automatic endorsement of DP rutto for presidency in 2022 already rocking the scene, the truth can be seen from a far. Gema will not endorse Hon. Arap Rutto. Instead they will bequeath their political blessings to another of their own, the handsome gentleman, Pk.
The amalgamation of Jubilee constituent parties corroborates this argument. The Dp . Rutto will be left with no political vehicle at the eleventh hour. Rummaging here and there during injury time, Willy will not be able to form a viable brand of vehicle to transport him to statehouse. He will neither consolidate sufficient support due to the minimal time to sell his brand and agenda, nor will he find sympathy from the already structured Mount Kenya mafia outfit. By the time the 2022 election comes Rutto’s home based support would have dwindled to insignificant levels.
PK’s entry into the Nairobi gubernatorial race is a well calculated move to endear him to the public euphoria. Nairobi county governor logically is the third most powerful executive office. Most powerful people in Nairobi have roots in Muranga and these could steer PK to the Nairobi County’s most executive chair. Though Pk himself hails from Muranga, governing the county would portray him as a community leader rather than a national leader. This is why Peter Keneth will go for Nairobi governorship.
It appears that TNA has just found a good competitor for governor Kidero.  The TNA political strategists are not leaving anything to chance. They have weighed and considered; just in case Mudavadi becomes the Super Aliance flag bearer. Then Eugene Wamalwa will be left with no votes on the table. In such case Dr. Kidero will win before the sun rises.
It is not true that president Uhuru will win easily alongside RAO but most probably Musalia Mudavadi will beat president Uhuru hands down. In all this debate the greatest loser will be the Dp Rutto, his chances of becoming the Jubilee flag bearer in 2022 is not just thin but there are no such chances in the first place. The Jubilee party was born by their shared interest in the ICC court cases without with it loses its meaning and reason for existence. The Deputy President and other members of the JAP from the URP faction could be viewing the Jap party as a tool for national cohesion but the real architects and brains behind it see a contrivance to consolidate support and create insurance for winning the 2017 presidential election as they mould Peter Keneth for 2022.

Danish Makotcharo- Blogger


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