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The narrative that the burning of our schools is due to the stringent new rules imposed by cabinet secretary for ministry of Education, hon. Fred Matiang’i is a fallacy. So sad that former prime minister too, opted to apportion blame to the CS. It is absolutely preposterous to claim, a few rules the government incepted to curtail cheating and promote quality and standards of education is now the matchstick striking the schools ablaze.

When the former prime minister and proponents choose to coerce the government into restoring the old order of cheating as disproved by investigations into the sickening nationwide exam cheating, in last year’s examinations; You wonder if those against CS Matiang’i are really honest , or are just up  to gain some cheap political mileage. Politicizing the torching of schools is the worst mistake politicians and wannabes are making.

Extension of third term by just one week, restricting movements in and out of school by non-candidates and nullification of prayer meetings in third term, cannot incite such a zealous proclivity to burn schools. The students cannot be tired when it is only two weeks to go. It is hypocritical for religious leaders to claim that the outlawing of prayer meetings in schools is an attempt to lock God out of the whole process of examinations. Here I agree with CS Matiang’i, only the Pharisees would believe that they must pray in the school in order for God to make the candidates pass their exams. God is omnipresent and omnipotent, they can pray away from school. God will definitely hear and answer if they pray heartfully.

Though the problem in burning schools is partly due to indiscipline and lack of alternative avenues of communication by students and school management. The management is largely to blame. Even the reintroduction of corporal punishment alone cannot be enough, since it was initially proved to abet burning of schools. It all boils down to management even if we have to employ professional counsellors or force the head teachers to reside in schools.

It is almost likely that the cartels who over the decades have been surviving by pouring money to facilitate leakages as a lucrative money train, are fighting back. They could be working through, students, teachers, heads or boards of management.

 CS Fred Matiangi has made a prudent choice to eradicate these exam leakage cartels once for all. He needs applause and support, and the same should be replicated in corruption and other national vices. He is the man for this job. There is absolutely no need to close schools and interrupt learning, when only last September, learning was interrupted for almost two months due to 50-60 pay-hike impasse.


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