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There are myriads of reasons a person may want to consciously exterminate a baby that is already developing in the womb. First on a medical basis. Abortion can be medically proscribed by a health professional on account of the safety of the mother. In this unique cases the development and maturity of the foetus poses a greater risk to the mother than the risk of doing away with the foetus. In other cases the retention of the baby may apart from being risky to the mother be of no value. The health professional might be convinced that the baby has zero chances of living and that it will ultimately die before birth consequently terminating the pregnancy.

Similarly a mother may wish to do away with the foetus on her own grounds since she has the right of choice on her own body. The medical practitioner might find it necessary to assist her abort the baby. This can be due to several reasons. For instance if the mother had conceived under unconsented intercourse or just against her own will and she feels not ready to proceed with the pregnancy. Abortion therefore can be due to medical safety, emotional stability or for psychological freedom.
On a second hand, abortion can never be right since the yet to be aborted feautus is innocent in the light of all rationalization of abortion. After conception the fertilized ova principally becomes a separate viable entity from the mother. It is no longer part and parcel of the cellular organization that forms the mother. On the contrary the mother of the featus is now only a host shelter to provide the feautus with the necessary nourishment
The embryo henceforth assumes the inherent inalienable rights to life, the method of conception or its parents not-withstanding. The rights which are not transferrable or conferred. It follows that the mother cannot by any means acquire a moral standing to decide whether the baby should live or not. Due to this inalienable natural right to life, abortion based on non-readiness to assume responsibility, financial unpreparedness or even such reasons as relationship issues or other socio-economic reasons are not justifiable.
Besides, abortion as a procedure, if it were to be legalized then there would be an escalation of unprofessionally conducted abortions. The child murderers would infer license from the permission contemplated in its legality. Consequently such abortions and those performed with genuine medical practitioners could result to adverse effects on the health of the mother and even tragically end in death.
On a moral stand point abortion seems more immoral than moral. Despite the  truth that even abortion apart from other necessary evils can sometimes be acceptable  and justified especially on a medical front, for instance the mother  might be a juvenile without the natural ability to carry the pregnancy. Perhaps the pregnancy itself poses a more greater risk to the health of the mother than exterminating it
The morality in accepting legalization of abortion is therefore pegged on the norminal merits of engaging in that act of abortion. It is almost true that most abortions are not justified since they are not done on medical grounds but to satisfy the selfish wishes of the pregnancy bearer. But for the medically and health risk approved abortions , legalization of abortion is morally acceptable
Last but not least, abortion goes against the dictates of nature. This makes it morally wrong, but normally man has the power to create sustainability of life and improve on nature by curtailing natures detrimental effects. This way mothers cannot be captives of nature itself. Since abortion is a necessary evil it is morally right to say legalization of abortion is morally acceptable.


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