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The current legal stalemate bedeviling the country can be attributed to reluctance on the part of Kenyan institutions to adhere to the rule of law. The chief culprit is the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission and the government. Jubilee party has merged with the state so that the country is not ruled by the Jubilee government but by the Jubilee party. The party even controlling an independent IEBC
This diabolic precedence started way back in 2013 when Jubilee, not in a free and fair manner, rigged their way to statehouse.  The Supreme Court then did not make satisfactory findings, though the petitioner accepted the verdict. Since then the party had been choreographing another rigging scheme.
Although democracy entails the decision of the majority to prevail, Jubilee has taken advantage to exercise tyranny. The government rules its own way independent of the wishes of the people. Even annihilating and trampling the law more often than not.
I look and pity how Kenyans now rely upon the church to be either the arbiter or mediator of the election morass. Ever since 6/01/01, when God created man in His image and likeness, the sovereign God has never wished man to elect himself a president. God’s original plan was Himself to be the president of man forever.
Perhaps, just maybe, God had set such a system of rule because he wanted man to be monotheistic. He wanted man to rely and lean on him instead of depending on himself or fellow man. God did this knowing very well that man would be prone to self aggrandizement and exaltation. Man would want to usurp the office of God. A free will would only be possible if God allowed man the possibility of making a wrong choice otherwise God would have made robots which only do that which they are programmed to do.
The nations borne of Noah’s son of the curse, Ham who begat Canaan, were the first to institute Kingship. Later the house of Israel asked Samuel, the last Judge, to give them a king like the other nations of Canaan and that’s how the chosen of God became to be a monarchy.
These political systems started all the way from heaven, when Satan also Lucifer started a supremacy war in heaven between him and Michael – the arch angel of God. Lucifer carried out a robust campaign right in heaven and managed to dissuade a third of the heavenly angels. When Michael and his patriots won the war in heaven, Lucifer and his angels were thrown out of heaven.
This is why I hold, elections are evil schemes of the Devil. Scores die during elections just because of political power. Right now a six months old baby girl, Samantha Pendo is lying six feet under along  side others like moraa – a seven year old, Christopher Chege Msando and many more. Elections were started by the Devil and there is nothing godly in them.


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