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I think these amendments to electoral laws are the ultimate recipe for war and violence. The laws open a legal conundrum which even lawyers cannot unlock. I see a situation in which more than one president will be announced winners if the elections are to be held.

Come to think of it. If three commissioners with one acting as the chair can declare a President then the probability of Kenya declaring two presidents concurrently is more than half.

It is obvious, the chairman can disappear in the like manner Chris Chege Msando disappeared. Shit do happens. If this happens and the vice assumes the powers of the chair to declare a candidate validly elected president or any other member then voila! If there is a law that will haunt the nation, it is these impromptu amendments.

We can run and run from the fact of the matter; these amendments are engineered to create a conducive atmosphere and act as an incentive to rigging. After the citizenry refuse to accept a botched election, that's when the impact of rigging will be felt.

My point is, where there is such a sharp divide, rigging becomes vitriol that flares the spirit of disputing and rejecting election results. Jubilee ought have made a level playing ground where they comply to opposition demands for the sake of peace. After all jubilee believe they have the numbers and hence should yield to opposition demands and court them into having elections to beat them democratically.

It is on this premise, of Jubilee undulating the playing ground, that one is convicted Jubilee has no numbers. Neither are they sincere in their quest for power. Am afraid Jubilee is only fighting so hard to obscure the reality from their supporters an a few gullible citizens of their lack of numbers.

Once these laws are passed, the Pandora box will laid open. This disunity will be confounded and will degenerate into a worse deadlock. The intolerance will traverse the country like bushfire, and just like D.Owino Misiani sung, "pinyni karange! pinyni karange! Towabiroringo ngue Lee. Wabiroyudo gimawadwaro". Misiani paused, " we see Sudan and Somalis in civil strife and we think we are far from war. Our chapter of disintegration is in the offing.

I hope that sanity will prevail. Political stakeholders will realise the need to postpone the electoral amendments. Laws are not made for emergency but for posterity. Otherwise the law is an ass, it does not profer. The same repugnant laws will come to roast the jubilee brigade.

When the supreme court ordered a fresh election in accordance with the constitution and existing laws, how does that mean making amendments to the electoral laws? The simple and conventional interpretation is that, the existing laws are the prevailing electoral laws that governed the preceding annulled elections.


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