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Retail marketing is the sum of all activities, procedures and institutions meant for communication and delivery of products and services to the consumer, including the exchange of offers in small scale proprietorships. Information and technological changes have redesigned consumer shopping experience. Many consumers are shifting from the traditional way of shopping to the emerging online shopping.
Through internet and wireless communication, consumer-retailer communication has been reinvented from traditional face to face to online interaction. Mobile phones, tablets and internet as a whole have revolutionized retail marketing and management. Although, internet marketing has changed the general outlook or retail marketing, has not completely replaced traditional retail stores
Merits not-withstanding online marketing has its own disadvantages. The dangers and negative impacts of internet are reflected in online retail marketing. This essay will discuss online and traditional marketing, their applicability, advantages and disadvantages in the context of the case study

Environmental factors are the cumulative factors surrounding a business which are beyond the control of the retailer. These factors influence the business directly. In order to strategically position himself competitively, the retailer must monitor and evaluate these components.
The retailer should closely monitor the environment to cushion himself against depression in the national and or global economies. Political instability, terrorism and wars will affect the operation of retailer. Vandalization or looting by people will derail the business and hence the retailer must watch out for the same to take appropriate steps.
Two, Finance; interest rates offered by credit institutions and the availability of credit is key to retail businesses. The retailer relies on the cash within his reach to operate and serve its customers. Retailers require finance to make quick adjustments to changes in the market and consumer preferences.
When the retailer monitors the prevailing climatic changes, he can adapt the business to the changes resulting from weather. Weather hazards like tornados, storms and hurricanes can shape consumer preferences and hence the retailer must look out for such changes. The retailer is in a good position to adjust to such changes if he constantly monitors the environment.
Next is infrastructure; the retailer can mitigate on the challenges arising from infrastructure if he keeps watch. Accessibility and communication network significantly affect the delivery of products to the customer and to the retailer. He can reduce the expense and liability arising from ineffective infrastructure by making adjustments necessary.
Also, inconvenience arising from changes in environmental trends can be reduced if the retailer monitors trends. New trends not compliant with the business can make it irrelevant and even push it out of business. Online retailing especially the use of mobile applications and smart phones can accord compliant businesses an edge over those which have not yet implemented online services.
Lastly, retailers need to closely scrutinize the environment in order to adopt steps combative to a changing customer base. For instance structural demographic change can alter consumer preference. A population of households being replaced by single people can alter the demand for certain household’s products consumed by families. Cultural change of a customer base can also alter demand and consumer preference. Eastern cultures prefer lighter staple foods than African

          Information and communication technology is a key moderator in retail marketing and management. Most customers are shifting from the traditional shopping experience to a new medium of online shopping experience. This influx is triggered by technological advancement like smart phones tablets and internet.  The national retail federation (NRF) notes, the number of smart phone users will rise to 159 million in 2015 from 82 million in 2010 in the United States.
Retailers should therefore in conjunction with this rise train their sales representatives on the emergent technologies and trends to enhance the shopping experience of their customers. The employees should stay ahead of the consumers to be able to attend to their online shopping experiences.
Another emerging trend is seen in the change of grounds of competition. Traditionally retailers competed principally on price but with the dynamics brought forth by online experience, competition has moved beyond mere price wars. Retailers through the online platforms can personalize product value and customize the prices to befit the consumer needs. For retailers to stay relevant in the industry they must redesign their competition strategies beyond the price tag.
 Information technology has completely changed consumer experience. Most consumers prefer to purchase products online from the smart phones or tablets and through the internet. Consequently retailers must change in tandem with consumer needs. Retailers should adopt a multifaceted approach that embraces online shopping and reserving traditional retail method. The rationale should be to explore new technologies as their downsize retail stores or premises.
          Traditional retailer is a proprietor who operates from a physical store or office into where customers walk in to obtain services or products and may or may not include delivering the products to the consumer premise. Such retail stores are also called brick- and- mortar. They deal with their clients face to face. Online retailers on the other hand are who operate a central store from where the products sold on an online platform and then shipped to the clients.
          Online retailing and marketing provides the retailer with a greater flexibility and convenience. By virtue of operating online, the retailer does not have to be in the retail store in order to sell his clients so long as he is online. The store does not rely on opening hours like in traditional retailing.
          Online retailers enjoy reduced cost of operation. Since the customer and the retailer interact virtually. Pilferages and shoplifting losses are minimized. Due to minimization of working space the cost of human resource requirement reduces as few online sellers can handle perfectly several clients. The online system can incorporate automated finance control documentation, and this can cut down significantly operational costs.
          Internet marketing consolidates a huge catchment of customers. The potential customers are proportionate to the number of users. This is contrary to traditional users who rely on the customers who visit their stores. It follows that online retailers have more clients than traditional retailers.
          Apart from those merits, online retailing also provides the customer with strong consumer-retailer relations. The retailer can send a follow up e- mail of thank you or asking for feedback or send the customer tailor made offer. This constant communication via online platform strengthens customer relations hence more dependability and confidence on the retailer.
          However, online retail brands, logos and trademarks can be copied by competitors. The competitors can use the information the retailer posts as a tool for completion. The competitor can use the information to slander and tarnish another retail store corporate image.
          Malicious users place a lot of sperm and viruses on the internet causing most internet users to advert phobic. Since the advertisement banners do not get to the intended potential clients marketing becomes ineffective. When marketing becomes ineffective then the products do not move. This is unlike traditional retailers who do not rely on internet for marketing and sales.
          Lastly, internet breakdown and strength can negatively affect online marketing. When connection is low or unavailable or when the consumers have lost their smart phones or tablets, the online shop becomes non-operational to online customers. When the online platform is interfered with sales too is interfered with.
I prefer online retailing to traditional retail store due to the diversity in market. The strong consumer relations arising from follow up and feedback. As opposed to the rigidity of traditional retail, online retail allows greater flexibility to the retailer and convenience to the customers and hence greater customer satisfaction. The best approach to retail marketing is incorporating the two retail channels into a hybrid that encompass both online and traditional.
High involvement shopping refers to purchase of products with a higher opportunity cost. The customer has a higher interest in buying and consuming the product and a higher risk is attached to any shopping flaw. Conversely, Low involvement shopping refers to the purchase of inexpensive low risk items with a low opportunity cost. The customer can decide to forego the product since it ranks lower in his scale of preference.
In my opinion high involvement shopping should be suited for online marketing. Since they attract a greater interest and commitment of the consumer, he might require more time to examine the products on line and ask questions before he decides to buy it at his own convenience. Because of the high dependability, trust and confidence required by the consumer from the retailer regarding the product they should be retailed online.
Online retailers are always more careful with their products since they thrive on credibility. They can handle products which are very expensive and important to the consumer due to the retailers’ flexibility and seamless service delivery. Such items can be bulky machines and electronics like power generators, Music Theater, refrigerators or portable very expensive machines like lap top computers and tablets.
Low involvement shopping on the other hand should be reserved for traditional retail. Since there is a low value attached to them, their shipping expenses can override profits. Consumers can forego the items and might opt reduce the cost of shopping online for them since it would be cost ineffective. Most consumers would rather grab the items from the nearby traditional retail store since there is no need for strict selection due to low risk attached.
Technological change has placed in the hands of man new channels to allow customers have a better experience in shopping. Online retail marketing though has its disadvantages; should be embraced by retailers to diversify their shopping experience to that which fits the discretion of the customer. Retailers should adopt online marketing strategies apart from traditional channels in order to also stay competitive.


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