Sossion is Wrong
Sossions recent indiscreet rhapsody about digitization of
the secondary school curriculum while trying to criticize cabinet secretary
Fred Matiangi's strategy in the ministry of education, was uncalled for.
Sossion who every time he opens his mouth sounds more of an aspiring politician
than a public relations officer for teachers this time round made completely
unreasonable remarks.
His remarks were absolutely preposterous. Claiming that
prohibiting students to carry phones to school is in itself a form of
incarceration and that the phones do not in any way abet cheating. Lying with
all his teeth, either Sossion just wanted to make a rebellious statement to
seek audience. To spurr controversy for the sake of fame. May be to endear him
to the political environment ahead of 2017. In fact he has always hinted on his
undying interest in mainstream politics. Not the politics of innuendos he plays
in Knut.
It is sad that such unpalatable words were once indeed
coming from an experienced high cadre
teacher. In this era of technology even an infant knows that the chief purpose
of a phone is communication and sharing of information.
At what time will the students use their phones in school.
Since according to their timetable there is no time for idling. It is
advertently malicious for him to refute the fact that movement in and out of
schools by non students provide an avenue for cheating material sharing. This
guy who recently ratified a dubious agreement in which teachers were the losers
as the Union officials once again loughed all the way to the bank. As the TSC
promised to continue to furnish a now toothless Union with monthly deductions.
Perhaps brown envelopes too ,to deliver the teachers voting block to the JAP
party. Sossion should desist from striving to gain popularity by sabotaging CS
Matiangi’s plans. For he who holds another down in the Mudd must himself stay
down in the Mudd.