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I still can’t fathom what the writers of our constitution thought when they deliberately crafted this clause, which in my view contravenes chapter four about, no grounds of discrimination. Somehow this law fovours one gender over the other. The gender that coincidentally has less than a third of representation in parliament. There are many women who have proved themselves better than men when it comes to leadership or popularity. Why should we spoil a few women with leadership rewards? They will not deliver commensurate to expectation because politicians will nominate their girlfriends, cronies, side chicks, relatives and sycophants. 

 We don’t need a law to elect women into leadership. On the contrary we need a society that believes in women enough to elect them into leadership. Leadership requires women who are able to get out and face off with men for the same position. In other words women have to prove their worth and not be lifted into leadership seat or given leadership position on a silver platter. Leadership is a calling and not something to be dished out like oranges. In fact most of nominated members of parliament have nothing to show for it. Which is proof for a person to be a leader, he/she must stand out and convince the masses of their leadership capabilities.

The men in parliament supporting this bill have ill motives. They must be the parliament women eaters. They probably want more women in parliament so that they can feast on them and share them equitably. We hear their sexual allusions and connotations during debates. They could be targeting kickbacks for those women who would be interested in these positions. As usual these positions if they are created will be avenues for corruption where the person who gives the highest bribes gets the position. We know how crud our political parties are.

It is sad, very sad, when we are just thinking of reducing a ballooning wage bill, simply by reducing representation in parliament some evil forces have been conspiring on how to raise the wage bill by over ksh 500 Million per year under the façade of two thirds gender rule. Already our national debt is set to hit over 7.1 Trillion and our nation is at a risk of plunging into a league of failed states. This bill is uncalled for, useless and from the Devil himself.

When a person is called into leadership – decides to go into politics- he/ she must be ready to face off with other competitors. He must present his/her resume to the public who will reject or endorse them. Why should a person be favoured into leadership on account of his/her gender? Doing this correspondingly discriminates on the opposite gender.

People spend   hell of a fortune on campaigns, trying to sell their resume to a critical public while others want to be helped out into leadership. Moreover, a real leader does not need even a robust campaign or to be lifted to the leadership seat, they are borne – called by God. The quest for leadership must be made a leveled playing ground. Politics is a dirty game and those who decide to play must play the game to win.
This bill is uncalled for, considering we are just at the verge of abolishing women county representative positions, nominated members of parliament and realigning of political regions to a modest number. Even women parliamentarians should not entertain this bogus bill.

 Do we really need more women in parliament? What for? What is it in parliament that real woman leaders elected in there cannot espouse? Why do we need more women in parliament and not more men? Whichever way we don’t need more of either. Any more is unnecessary because we already have the constitutional threshold. I find it illogical to add to a bloated wage bill a good number of women just for the sake of it, not for any value to the common man and to the affairs of the state.

We cannot cure a societal problem through legislation. Women are majority voters and as such have no excuse not to follow the right protocol of the ballot.  Let them vote for fellow women, if it is a must we must be ruled by women.  As it is now, nominating these ladies for no course is like a company that employs many employees taking home up to ksh 50 million but who are joyriders with no value for money or work to be done. Just enjoying government car, allowances and money but adding no value to service delivery.

Ever since the infamous Beijing conference women has harboured this clamour for gender equity. I’m happy that there has never been a case where a woman is stopped because she is a woman or a man is chosen because she is a man. Gender equity mean we have to equally fight for these posts irrespective of whether a competitor chooses to apply guerilla tactics of gender or not. That we can leave to IEBC to arbitrate. If we are equal then we all must use the same channel to leadership. This two third gender rule is a ploy from the Devil. I rest my case.


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