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If God exists how do we know we are worshiping him? The gospel of Christ, which of course was about the imminent Kingdom of God. The gospel of Christ is not about Christ himself but about Gods Kingdom. Its however prudent to know Jesus Christ is God. He is the son of God or in a terse form, God the son.

Well God exists though many false gods have perversely deluded and deceived humanity so much that humanity either believes God does not exist or have consciously or unconsciously replaced him with other gods. Yet in the midst of all this cosmic mental battle for worship the true God has revealed Himself wholesomely to all those who choose to seek him. God has a seal which identifies Him as God over the universe.

A seal refers to a symbol or mark of authority that a ruler or rulership uses to stamp authority. God is not left out since He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega
Everything that exists originated from God. There is literary nothing, whether principalities or powers, seen  or unseen nothing exists which was not made through Christ for Him.

A seal has three parts as you have seen in different types of seals. Take for example the seal of company director, public seal of a nation or your own seal. A seal has, first, a Name. The name of the ruler or the bearer of the seal. A seal also has a Title of Authority. This authority is the one that defines the power the one in rulership has. Lastly a seal has a territory, the perimeters of the region over which he exercises his powers. Every kingdom, rulership or rule has a clearly demarcated jurisdiction, for instance the laws of Kenyan constitution might not be binding outside Kenya.

It is important to answer the question as to why does God need a seal in the first place? God created man with a free moral agency. He gave man a free will to choice in life. This is why God does not necessarily deny man an opportunity to sin or make a wrong choice. There is no freedom of choice where there is no possibility to make a wrong choice. This is how it happened in the garden of Eden when Eve chose to obey the Devil as her husband Adam chose to obey his wife rather than God. Perhaps, most probably, Adam did this out of his unswerving love for his wife. Adam must have loved his wife so much considering there were no other women. She was the only one he had as a fellow compatriot in life. Its unlike today when people intentionally break off from relationships- against Gods will- hoping to find a substitute immediately or later.

Angels too had this free moral agency, though they were undoubtedly higher beings than man. Due to this free moral Agency, Lucifer ( name meaning bearer of light and hence the famous term illuminati) developed pride and sought to overthrow God from his throne as depicted in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:17-19 and as a result war broke out in Heaven just like war breaks when one servants attempts to dethrone the one sitting on the throne.

Yes there was war in Heaven, a holy place. Michael( whose name means, He who is what God is) and his angels fought and prevailed as depicted in Revelation 12:7-12. The book of revelation just like the book of Daniel and Hosea, Ezekiel and others are prophecies. Prophetic books are gospels of Christ in the form of symbols. The Gospel of Christ according to Daniel or Revelation is much easier to understand than according to Matthew, Mark, Luke,John or according to Paul.

Satan, The Dragon or Devil and his angels were cast down from heaven. They were found unfit to be in heaven and were thrown down. The reason they were expelled from Heaven is the reason many will not make it to Heaven, because in heaven no unclean or incorruptible thing shall enter.

When the Serpent was hurled down, he swore to ruin Gods creation which was an extension of Gods Kingdom. He immediately went for Eve appearing to her as a beautifully arrayed harmless snake and kaboom, he managed to ususrp dominion from Adam and Eve so that he would appear in Gods assembly for his children. This led to the numerous gods Satan would employ to deceive and delude the world into worshiping the true God.

Satan fights against God - Though God already won the battle when he sent his only son into the world to die for our transgressions -by attacking Gods law and WORD. Gods word is his Law. Gods law is meant to make humanity a beautiful experience full with unconditional love for everyone. Look at Gods intention and you will agree me. When God says do not Kill he is preserving life and giving all an opportunity to life. When he says do not steal, he is preserving peace, love and property and cutting on hatred and enmity. When he says do not commit adultery, look how adultery ruins lives and homes through all manner of general disease, financial wreck, HIV and AIDS etc. Everything God has said do not do, is meant for betterment of humanity experience. Exodus 20:2-17

There is no other way Satan can attack God if not through his Law and word. When  God told Adam you shall surely die if you commit sin, eating the fruit I have instructed you not to eat(Genesis 2:16), Satan came to Eve and said to her "Surely you will not die.." (Genesis 3:4). The battle of who deserves obedience and worship is mental. Satan shows man God is withholding something good from them by his decrees and whoever chooses to disobey God automatically obeys Satan by default. This is the cosmic conflict, the great controversy between Satan and Christ.

Come to think of a seal. A document without a seal is deemed counterfeit and not binding. This is why Satan knows if he can remove Gods seal from the image of God in Gods people, he can make them godless. There is no any other Law of the laws of God that has his seal except the Sabbath law - The fourth commandment. "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work but the Seventh day is a Sabbath to The Lord Your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals nor an alien within your gates. For in six days The Lord Created The Heavens And The Earth, The Sea and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath and made it holy.

A seal has three major components. The name of the one in authority, His Title/authority and lastly his Territory or jurisdiction. In Gods seal, the Sabbath, his name is, " The Lord Your God", his title is, "CREATOR", and his territory or jurisdiction of his powers is, " The Heavens,The Earth, the Sea and all that is in them."

It is due to this Daniel 7:25 prophesies the Antichrist seeking to change times and laws of God. Saturday from the roman calendar was derived from the name of the god of the times. The Antichrist changed Gods Sabbath in AD 321 when emperor Constantine gave a decree .Constantine's decree read, 'on the Venerable day of the sun let the magistrates and the people residing in cities rest and let all the shops be closed.'  Constantine placed his image on one side of the coin and the sungod on the other side of the coin.

Constantine gave the decree because of two reasons. One, he wanted to Christianise the pagans. He wanted to unite the church and state. Another reason he passed the decree is his antijewish sentiments. The first prohibition of keeping the Seventh day Sabbath was passed by the Roman church council of Laudicea in AD 325, and said, "Christians shall not judaize and idle on Saturday."

May God help you as you ponders the issues of worship at the close of earths history. Revelation 14:6-14


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