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Yesterday I was astounded by the unfortunate passing on of a man from Baringo county. Apparently the guy chose to take his life by drowning himself in a dam. His love, a young lady had declined his proposal to spend the valentine's day with him. It is sad that some people actually kill themselves over such trivial things like valentines day. How is that one particular day different from other days? How does the valentine's day change your love for another person or improve it for that matter? It is hypocritical to spice love for one night and then dull it all for a whole year. Love should be forever glowing not extinguished by a one day or night extravagant escapade.

I still remember February 2008. It was a day I will never forget in my whole life. It was the day I came to my senses of love. There is this chick I was eyeing and madly engrossed with. She was a thousand miles away and I thought, though she was far away I had her reside in the tent of my heart. I chose to call her and sing her a favourite love song. Then hell broke lose. She bashed me with all her strength. I was so deprecating, save how NRM's general Miguna Miguna bashed honourable Bonny Khalwale, former Kakamega county senator for allegedly attempting to gain political mileage from his unlawful arrest and detention. Mine sent echoes of burning shame in my ears. She had accused me of being selfish and lacking vision with love, end of story.

So what the hell is this valentine's thing taking the world with a storm. The world is turning lunatic with love. Ha ha haa! A romantic mwahahahh left right and centre. Valentine is just a fallacy. A wild antichrist conspiracy of the new world order(Godlessness) to inculcate the spirit of delusion and deception.

14th February is almost one of the most cherished feasts in the world. It is taken to be a day worth it. Relationships are purportedly strengthened through expression of love.

All roads leads to Valentines Day. Unfortunately, all these roads are paved with satanism. This day traces its origin from Babylon where Nimrod and his wife Semiramis were worshipped.

The focus of their worship was through sexuality. There were male and female prostitutes in the temples that their worship was carried out. In course of many centuries this sexual centered worship got embraced in all the ancient world.

It found fertile ground especially Among the Greeks and Romans. Among the Romans, this worship focused on Lupercus and whose worship was referred to as Lupercalia. Another name of this God was Februus and which originated the name of the month February.

The main worship festival took place on 14th of February. It was the "sexiest " day in the life of the Romans. It carried all kinds of sexual diversions. His worship was intertwined with that of goddess Venus who was the goddess of fertility and sexual immorality.

It was during the emperor ship of Claudias 2 that a person bearing the name Valentine got killed by him.

Then in 496 AD pope Gelassius decided to honour Valentine as a saint and since he wanted to win the none Christians he made Lupercalia day to be the very day that St Valentine festival would take place.

Unfortunately he adopted the activities that marked Lupercalia day. Acts of sexuality got involved. He "christianized" Lupercalia day to Valentine day.

Unfortunately, not many believers who has this knowledge. No wonder churches make parties in the celebration of this day.

Lupercalia priests used to slaughter goats and dogs. They smeared themselves with the blood and went around touching women to promote fertility in them.

This is why the red colour is so dominant on Valentine's Day. It is all focused on occultism. There is also the red rose flower. When believers behave like the world and become idolatrous, they stir God's wrath. No wonder families and nations and even the church is falling apart.


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