States-Russia diplomatic relations could be moving from between a rock and a
hard place under Obama administration to a loggerhead status post Obama regime.
Going by South Carolina’s, republican senator Lindsey Graham; Americas
president elect, billionaire Donald trump could have trumped senator Hillary
Clinton courtesy of Russian government cyber attack.
a leading senate foreign policy expert has reiterated allegations by US
officials of how Russia hacked on the Democratic national committee. Russian
government trespass from which DNC’s sensitive emails were released to the
republican presidential candidate Donald Trump acted as a step stone in his
campaigns. Though republicans carried the day, Senator Lindsey is not happy
with Russia’s misadventure in the whole world over. He maintains that Vladimir
Putin should be punished and special senate hearings be held over the same.
the successful election of Donald Trump Russia has succeeded to circumvent the
US election by a simple click of the mouse. With their own choice candidate
Russia can sit back and rule the world their own way without fear of reproof.
The election of Donald Trump means that America has already lost its
prestigious position of a world super power.