I have been following on Valentine's day heartbreaking escapades of what sacrifices guys made for the sake of love, and am left in a reality limbo. The question that rings in my mind is is if indeed love exists? A man braced himself for a two year jail term sentence for an offence which was perpetrated by his lover. Sadly the girl who stole from her father a good amount of money went ahead to incriminate her husband after they had agreed the husband would come in to stand in for his wife in prison. By the time the guy was released from incarceration his love had left him. In a separate incidence a lady boycotted their wedding, broke a relationship two days to the wedding, fled and eloped with a white German man. It happened that two days to the wedding, one of the brides maid called the groom who was far from the wedding venue, telling him the wedding was bound not to be. The groom got concerned,,travelled down south to interrogate the issue one on one. When he found the bride,...
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